Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Park City, UT (1411.0 miles)

After driving through almost all of Wyoming, a quick trip through northern Utah has brought us to Park City, Utah, where we will be staying for the next three days.

I drove the whole trip, so "to keep me awake," I was annoyed out of my mind by the passenger. I was told that McDonald's new white cheddar cheese tasted bad by someone who had never had a bite of it. I was referred to as "stoop" (apparently a shortened, more concise form of stupid) for most of the trip. Some of my questions were answered with loud snaps of stinky Extra bubblegum. As Jethro Tull graced the speakers, I became a human drum set, with my face serving as a target for every crash of cymbals and my shoulders taking part in every beat of the snare drum. After today's performance, I'm fairly sure my dad could've had a career in drums.

Mind you, this occurred at about eighty miles an hour. So much for safety, dad.

Anyways, Wyoming is pretty much Nebraska, with less cows, more hills, a few mountains, and even fewer exits. We both agree that Wyoming is better than Nebraska. The scenery is different. There are hills, valleys, rock formations, mountains, tunnels, grasslands, and sand flats. There are massive fences along the highway to keep snow drifts off of the highway in the winter. We saw some antelope, which was the first non-domesticated (and living) animal we've seen since leaving home (sorry, roadkill doesn't cut it). Needless to say, it was a nice drive, and an extremely easy one at that.

Now that we are in Park City, we will be done driving until we leave for Moab, Utah, on Saturday. We're still deciding what to do here, but fly fishing or mountain biking seem to be the frontrunners. We also found out that there are musky in Jordanelle Reservior...only five minutes away...we're tempted. I'm not going to upload all of our pictures at once (I've gotta keep the interest somehow, right?) but here's our first GoPro shot from the state of Utah. Enjoy!

The Jeep enters Utah!

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