Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Laramie, Wyoming (1018.6 miles)

So, after 17 hours of driving, we've arrived in Laramie, Wyoming, home of the University of Wyoming. We're both pretty excited to get off the road and to eat a non fast-food meal for the night.

Since leaving our last stop in North Platte, we've done some pretty notable things...if you consider visiting Cabelas' first store and world headquarters to be a notable thing. Other than that, our final three hundred miles were marked by changing scenery and a random rain/hail storm as we passed through Cheyenne. 

Tomorrow we will be on our way to Park City, Utah, which should be a six-hour scenic ride through the mountains.

Quick Facts about Today's Trip: 

Miles Traveled: 1018.6

Hours Traveled: 17

Highest Elevation Reached: 8640 feet 

Pieces of Apple Bourbon Bacon Pie Consumed: 1

Yes, that's my piece of  Apple Bourbon Bacon pie. No, you can't have any.

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